That’s why we follow the artist’s way in everything we do – creating, crafting and releasing designs we believe have the power to touch people. Not planning on taking your laptop or don’t want to write down all these prompts ahead of time? Don’t worry, we have you covered – these writing prompts (and more) are available on the Paperblanks Journal Prompt App!Ībout Paperblanks: At Paperblanks, we believe that art should have a place in all aspects of life. About this vacation, I will never forget….The top five highlights of the trip were….If I return to this vacation spot, I am definitely going back to… Whether you’re spending your vacation exploring new destinations or relaxing on a beach, journaling can help you record your favorite moments and reflect on your experiences.A major event that happened back home while I was away was….Advice I would like to give myself before my next vacation is….Something I am missing about being on vacation is….Something I didn’t get a chance to do but wish I did was….prompt per week for a month, and write about the topic of travel from. The best thing to happen today has been… Weve got some prompts which you can use for journaling, and others well suited.Something surprising about the local culture is….An interesting new phrase I’ve learned is….The tastiest meal of this vacation so far is….Finally arriving here, I am surprised to find….The best travel advice I’ve received is….The most important item on my packing list is….Something I wish I could take on vacation is….The first vacation I remember taking is….

This vacation, I cannot forget to pack….