When learning a word, learn the article too and test yourself on the noun including the article.

Therefore it’s important to get the idea out of your mind straight away that the articles der, die or das have anything to do with the noun itself.Īs a general rule, you should try to learn the correct article with each noun as you learn them.

As you can see from the two examples above, these are the opposite of what you would expect. Also, ties are associated more with men and therefore you would normally perceive the gender as masculine and use the der article. Here are a couple of quick examples:Īs you can see, traditionally a bikini is worn by women so your first instinct would be that it’s a feminine item and therefore would use die. This is one of the first questions that you will ask yourself when learning German which article should you use – der, die or das? The first thing you need to understand is it’s not related to the perceived gender of the noun it is attached to.