As an example, a Google search (for Copernic “scheduled indexing”) that would seemingly have produced hundreds of hits actually only produced four. For one thing, it seemed that people were posting their questions on Copernic’s internal forum - but since access to that forum was available only to registered and logged-in users, the results would not appear in ordinary searches. Searching for answers for these problems was somewhat frustrating. In that last case, when I went into Tools > Indexing Status > Details, I saw “Catastrophic failure,” apparently indicating that CDS had been unable to index the listed file for some unknown reason.

It would seem to start, and then it would stop (or, in Copernic lingo, it would become “idle”). I also found that sometimes I could not get Copernic to index files. One was that I could search one day and get plenty of hits, and then I could run the same search another day and get “No matching documents.” Another problem was that a search of a set of files on one machine would display only a few hits, while running the same search of the same files on a mirrored machine would find hundreds. Several different problems arose at about the same time. I was using CDS to search for file contents - especially for text within files. For that purpose, I found it was faster to use Everything. I wasn’t using CDS to search for filenames.

Note: these notes are incomplete they ended before I answered all of the questions. This post describes the situation and some solutions.

I was using Copernic Desktop Search (CDS) 3.4.0 on Windows 7 SP1.